When the match is over: Most only analyze their defeats – that is why so many athletes say they learn the most from their losses rather than their victories. It is very important that you analyze even your victories. Any truthful analysis of a match will show that in most cases the outcome could have gone the other way if just a few things were changed. This is good news when you lose, but worrying when you win. In order to make victory a rather than an enjoyable accident, you must investigate thoroughly what was good and bad about your performance and what concrete steps you will take to improve your faults and your strengths. In this way you ensure progress over time – the fundamental goal of every program- and create conditions where victory can lead to others. Here, young Nicky Ryan talks frankly to me about what he could have done better whilst holding the gold medal in his hand – a great attitude that explains much of his current success and points to a bright future

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