Undermining athleticism: One of the central features of Jiu jitsu is the constant drive to WHATEVER ATHLETIC POTENTIAL YOUR OPPONENT HAS. The human body is constructed in such a way that for every athletic task it is capable of performing, there is an optimal or bodily disposition that facilitates that task. Your goal in Jiu jitsu is to interfere with that as much as in order to reduce an opponent to a klutzy, tied up and useless, unathletic specimen waiting to be submitted. There are many ways to do this depending upon the situation you are in. When it comes to , arguably the most means of shackling an opponent up in a manner that severely undermines his athleticism is to lace his ankles whilst holding him in cross . That immediately prevents an opponent standing up, coming or scooting and also makes turning difficult. ONCE YOU CONTROL – YOU CONTROL THE GAME. Research how to restrain people and undermine their athleticism in your favorite finishing holds and watch your finishes skyrocket