I am very pleased to announce the release of my : FUNDAMENTAL STANDING by BJJ Fanatics. This is the first of three covering the standing gi game in Jiu jitsu. The first volume focus on the key precursor skills of the standing game – stance, grip, motion, off balancing and position – without which you simply cannot perform all the other standing skills. Then it moves to the first takedowns to learn based upon degree of difficulty in learning. The goal is to take a student with very limited standing skills and get them confidently taking down their own size and skill level in live sparring in a three to six month time frame. As such the emphasis is on TE WAZA (takedowns based the use of hands/arms) since most people find the use of hands and arms easier when they begin than the more difficult but impressive feet and leg techniques that will cover in next volume. Then we go to the crucial rear takedowns that are very important to Jiu jitsu due to the unique scoring of Jiu jitsu takedowns. Finally I felt that many Jiu jitsu students have as their primary motivation to learn takedowns their concerns about SELF DEFENSE (after all you don't HAVE to practice takedowns while practicing the sport, but you will definitely need them in many self defense situations). Accordingly I added a look at my guide to takedown selection and philosophy for self defense purposes (obviously this is done no gi). If you are interested in the Jiu jitsu standing game you can check it out at BJJ Fanatics! I will put a link in my Instagram bio

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