Don't use because of short legs? (ushiro sankaku) FTW! The triangle has many variations. Unfortunately in Jiu Jitsu most students only really make use of one of the variations – the front triangle – usually performed from guard position. There is no question that the front triangle has proven to be the most applicable and effective in Jiu jitsu competition, but many students tell me it they they are simply too short legged to get the move to work for them in sparring. While there are some ways to maximize your effectiveness with short legs, it is nonetheless quite clear that short legs can be a for front triangles. If you want to make use of the incredible power of triangles but feel your leg length is an issue – START USING REAR TRIANGLES. Rear triangles, due to the changes in position and angle, are much easier for short legged to use on broad shouldered opponents than front triangles. Once you start scoring regularly with rear triangles perhaps your will rise and you'll be more willing to try again with front triangles You never know! Here, locks on a flawless rear triangle and shows its incredible power as a restraining hold, lock and a strangle – it's an amazing for everyone – including short legged athletes (like me )

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