The easiest way to expand your repertoire of moves: As we make we are constantly looking to add new weapons to our arsenal. As a general rule, the more weapons were are skilled in using, the more dangerous we will be to our opponents. However, developing new skills is consuming and as we devote lots of time to new skills, inevitably we have to dedicate less time to maintaining old skills which can be detrimental to our game. Probably the easiest way to new skills is to LEARN NEW OF MOVES YOU ARE ALREADY GOOD AT. This requires relatively little training time, since the new skills are closely related to existing skills and complements, rather than harms existing skills. Think about the triangle. Most Jiu Jitsu athletes know it well and can perform it solidly. Yet when we say THE triangle, usually we mean the FRONT triangle – the most common variation in Jiu Jitsu. There are FIVE major variations of the triangle – front, side, rear, and “back to front” (hantai ). You can greatly expand your submission Arsenal just by adding the other four variations at little cost in training time. For almost any move you favor you can do similar things. Jiu Jitsu moves usually have several important variations, which are related to each other, yet different in important ways so that in practice they perform almost like different moves. Do this with all your favorite moves and in a short time you can triple your offensive arsenal! Here, Georges St Pierre works on variations of the triangle to expand his repertoire

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