The triangle – among the most remarkable of all techniques in martial arts: The triangle, which uses the of the to strangle an was one of the last great martial arts submission techniques to be invented. Most go far far back into . You can see drawings of strangleholds, arm locks and carved into walls and drawn in old manuscripts – but you won't see a triangle. To the best of our knowledge, the triangle appears to have been discovered around 1913 in the old Japanese Kosen schools of judo. There are some likely candidates for the actual inventors but we can't really be sure. Think about that. THAT MEANS MANKIND INVENTED POWERED FLIGHT, MACHINE GUNS, SUBMARINES, TELEPHONES MODERN ARTILLERY etc BEFORE WE INVENTED THE ABILITY TO STRANGLE SOMEONE WITH OUR LEGS!!! Every time you step on the mats you get a chance to use this pinnacle of martial arts ingenuity that took humans MILLENNIA to arrive upon! Take that opportunity every chance you get! And when you finish it, take a moment to thank those incredible old masters who thought outside the box and changed the grappling world with this incredible technique. (Bonus question for the history buffs out there – what are the implications of this for the history of Maeda and his of the Gracie's )

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