observation: When most observe Jiu Jitsu they do so as a spectator enjoying an – as entertainment. That's certainly an enjoyable way to spend your time – but you, as a student of the game seeking to rise in skill level, must beyond this. You must always seek to ACTIVELY observe Jiu Jitsu, that is, to yourself as one of the combatants and actively anticipating in the action – asking yourself what you would be doing in those second by second. In this way you begin to train your in Jiu Jitsu in the same way you train your body every day. You will soon note that as the speed of your thought processes increase – SO TO THE MOVEMENTS OF YOUR BODY WILL INCREASE. Don't be satisfied with just watching Jiu Jitsu. Go the extra distance and actively observe it every time you get the . Make it your goal to understand WHY people are doing what they do and what you would do in the same situation. You train your body every day – why not your mind also?