Bottom guard Jiu Jitsu – the essentials of grip, kuzushi (off balancing), distance management, and : The TECHNIQUES of bottom guard position in Jiu Jitsu are limitless and often overwhelming to learn – but the essential CONCEPTS of the position are few in number and easy to understand. You must be able to secure an effective working GRIP upon your opponent, generate KUZUSHI to open him , manage distance well enough to create enough through framing to move effectively him, create advantageous ANGLE to press an attack home. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by the number of possibilities for technique, go back to the concepts- ONLY WHEN THE GROUNDING CONCEPTS ARE SATISFIED WILL THE TECHNIQUES BE POSSIBLE – so keep them at the forefront of your thinking and let the techniques take care of themselves in time. Here you can Nicky Ryan exhibit many of these essential bottom guard concepts to make a perfect entry into cross ashi garami from bottom guard