Friends and rivals: The very of jiu jitsu leads to in personal relationships. On the one , it is deeply competitive- even a friendly at the gym has a winner and a loser. In competition it is even more pronounced. There are many people vying for one first place. On the other hand, we are all in love with the same sport and have a camaraderie of shared vision and experience. This means that often we can be involved in tough competition with someone, but at the end of the day, we are all doing the same thing and part of a brotherhood. Gordon and Ryan are currently on a tour of California- teaching private and seminars and also visiting our good friend Shawn Williams @shawnwilliamsbjj academy. As part of their training, Gordon Ryan with of his toughest former rivals, the great Keenan Cornelius @keenancornelius and world champion Lucas Hulk” Barbosa @lucasbarbosajj. They all had a great time training -Gordon Ryan even trained in a !! Its always great to see replace rivalry in time – even though in truth the sport requires both in order to operate. Don't forget to get an opportunity to train with the Ryan brothers if you want to see our approach to the sport from two of its best representatives @gordonlovesjiujitsu @nickyryanbjj I don't know how these two are going to deal with a return to sweltering

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