Meeting up with Senpai: When I was a beginner student my Sensei Renzo Gracie, our senpai (big brothers) where Ricardo Almeida, Matt Serra and Rodrigo Gracie. All three were world champions in their respective areas. All three were highly successful in jiu jitsu and MMA. All three were amazing teachers who inspired us every day we trained. Here I am in Sudbury, Canada teaching next to Mr Almeida at the NOMAD martial arts convention. It is magical to see the same looks of wonder on the faces of the students here as we had in all those years agoHere is he teaching a superb on the essential of guard passing. I never forgot the power of role models like Mr Almeida in the classroom to bring out the best in the class overall. That is why I try so hard to create a group of outstanding students who I know will create a of and interest that will make the level of the ENTIRE ROOM rise.

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