Gordon Ryan wins EBI 11: Gordon Ryan won every match by submission tonight in LA to take his third EBI title – his first at his actual body weight of 170 pounds. He focused almost entirely on strangleholds, utilizing some of the more basic elements our back system and front headlock system to win the maximum prize money of twenty thousand dollars. It was his best training camp in a long – no longer plagued by a lower abdominal problem that had made the previous few camps very tough, he took out a very tough Vagner Rocha with a superbly applied stranglehold in the finals. Team mate Oliver Taza braves a severe knee injury suffered in his last week of training and lost a close match in overtime via riding time, but impressed me with his heart and composure under very tough circumstances- he will and then come back to show off his skills in the future. Thanks again to the staff of EBI who always do such a fine job of putting on an exciting production. Mr Eddie Bravo, Viktor Davila and his crew did it again – filling a new venue and creating a really exciting and atmosphere. There was a very exciting debut for the combat jiu jitsu tonight – i will discuss that soon. Thank you all for your support from the squad! Hope you enjoyed the show! @jeffreyschu

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