I am very happy to announce the release of my latest installment of the ENTER THE series of instructional videos THE FRONT HEADLOCK/. BJJ Fanatics has finished the editing process and everything is ready for release. If you are interested the link to their website is in my instagram bio. The front headlock/guillotine has always had a strong presence in no gi grappling – there is a reason – it's among the most readily moves in the sport and the finishes available from this position are devastating if applied well. We have our own distinctive approach to the position, based as always, around a step by step approach that takes you from all the necessary prerequisites through all the different needed to overcome resistance and the central problems you will encounter in the position; and then the technical needed to maximize efficiency in finishing. Thanks as always to my teachers and mentors who got me started on this journey and all my brilliant and hard working students who have shown this approach so successfully in competition and expanded upon it as they make their journey. Wishing you the best on your own front headlock/ guillotine journey!