Mr Tonon goes forth: standout Garry Tonon will be teaching a big no gi seminar in Oklahoma on 03/25/17 at Oklahoma Martial Martial Arts Academy. Mr Tonon comes across as playful, but when it's time to teach, he is dead serious about getting performance increases. He has a superb knowledge of and tactics and the to pass that on to others while creating a warm and fun atmosphere as he does it. Of all my students, Mr Tonon is foremost in exploiting and the interface between standing (tachi-waza) and ground Grappling (ne waza) – a critical part of our coaching program. In addition, he is the best at creating and controlling their direction towards our finishes. Often people talk to me about Mr Tonon and describe him as a intuitive grappler who just has an innate ability to get to winning positions – they are invariably shocked when they see him teach and see that there is a highly practiced method to what he does and that others can be taught to do it as well. If you are in Oklahoma and have a chance to get to the seminar – do it! You will learn the precise methodology of of best grapplers on the planet. Mr Tonon is an extremely innovative student who constantly adjusts and improves upon the material I show him to arrive at a fascinating that is very much his own. As with all my senior students, I often feel I learn as much from him as he does from me. If you to see some of the most innovative and cutting edge grappling technique – get to Mr Tonon's seminar.

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